The 3Sixty Tool Library operates like any other library–except instead of books, you get tools.
It’s a creative and sustainable approach towards sharing resources, connecting neighbors, and encouraging neighborhood investment. Our goal is to build community while providing resources needed for improvements to homes and properties.
How It Works
Create an account at 3sixtyholland.myturn.com and purchase a membership online or in person. Must be 18 or older to apply for a membership.
Membership Levels
Up to 5 non-power tools borrowed at one time.
Up to 6 non-power tools + 2 power tools borrowed at one time.
Up to 6 non-power tools + 2 power tools borrowed at one time… til death do us part! -
Browse our inventory online or in person to find what you need!
Drop-In Hours | 448 College Avenue
Fridays, 7pm - 9pm
Saturdays, 9am - 12pm
Make an Appointment
To schedule an appointment, please send an email to tools@3-sixty.org at least 24 hours in advance to arrange an appointment to pick up or drop off tools. Please respect the time of our Tool Librarians and arrive promptly at the arranged time. *The Tool Library is located in a garage behind a private residence—please do not knock on the door of the home at that address. -
Once your project is complete, simply return the tools to the library by dropping them off during the designated drop-in hours or by making an appointment for a tool return.
Drop-In Hours | 448 College Ave
Fridays, 7pm-9pm
Saturdays, 9am-12pm
Make an Appointment
To schedule an appointment for a tool return, please send an email to tools@3-sixty.org at least 24 hours in advance. Please respect the time of our Tool Librarians and arrive promptly at the arranged time.
Browse through the 500+ tools available in our online inventory
Visit us
3Sixty Tool Library
448 College Ave
Holland, MI 49423
Drop-In Hours*
Friday 7–9pm
Saturday 9am-12pm
Also by Appointment
*The Tool Library is located in a garage behind a private residence—please do not knock on the door of the home at that address.
Have questions or want to make an appointment? Email Us!
Meet the Librarians
Steve DeYoung
Tool Librarian
David Alexander
Tool Librarian
John Sanchez
Tool Librarian
Interested in Donating or Volunteering?
If you have tools you would like to donate, or are interested in volunteering at the Tool Library, we would love to hear from you!